Things that you must know to use the Math-o-mir
Mouse Click explanationRules for mouse click are somewhat complicated. You can click at three different spot types, using three different mouse arrow types. In the table below you can see what happens in all nine combinations:
(To make things jet more interesting, there is one additional mouse arrow type the pen-like arrow, and is used for hand-drawing).
Variable Mode explanationThere are two modes to write variables (identifiers) in Math-o-mir: General variable mode, and Simple variable mode. You can change the variable mode under Options->Keyboard. Simple variable mode This is the default mode since version 1.4. In this mode Math-o-mir prefers single-letter variables. If you type abc on your keyboard, Math-o-mir will accept this as three separate variables a, b and c (that is, you enetered: 'a times b times c'). You can still enter multi-letter variables even in the Very simple variable mode, but then you must start the variable with the single-quote sign ('). The single-quote sign will be removed as soon as you press the space bar or you enter a mathematical operator. You can add an index to any variable. Just press the underline ('_') key after you typed in the variable... The index is preferably simple (like: a1, atot...). General variable mode This mode was default prior version 1.4. Here you can write multy-lettered variables that can have complex indexes. The drawback is that you must finish variable entry with the space bar or by entering a mathematical operator. For example, if you typed abc, only one single variable will be produced called: abc. To start entering variable index, press the underline ('_') key after you typed in the variable. You will be able to write any expression into the variable index (return to baseline editing by pressing the enter key or the cursor up key.) Danijel Gorupec, 2013. |